How can we ship order efficiently for you?
The standard process is like this:
- You visit our website and make your order for the products you need
- We process your order and capture payment from your credit card or confirm bank transfer
- We pack and send your order through our warehouse or 3rd party warehouse
- Courier company come and pick up your order and ship to your address
This is familiar right. However how about you are working onsite for most of the time in a working week. And no one can sign the delivery for you and you don't want to leave it at your front door.
Here is a suggestion.
We can ship your order to one of your favorite supplier's warehouse. You may need to let the account manager or warehouse manager know about this delivery and keep an eye for you. You can also track the delivery through the tracking number of your order. This will save your time and effort on organizing your stock and pickup in one go with full package required for your project.
If your business have different crew in different location, you can order for each location and team so that they can have enough accessories to finish their job.
It is all about efficiency and time management. We will work with your business to cut cost and add value